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The past development, present status and likely futures of Norway spruce in Western Ukraine, Northwest Russia and Southwest Germany - A scenario-based projection of forest resources and wood supply to support transition to green economies

During recent centuries Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) was often favored in forest restoration activities in many Central, Northern and Eastern European countries. Due to environmental changes and changes in management aims, forest tree species composition is already changing. These changes will have an impact on wood production as well as on carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, biodiversity, and resistance against storm, snow, drought, fires, insects and fungi.
Associated compositional, structural and functional changes of forests will affect almost all goods and services provided by forests including secondary effects on income of forest owners and on the climate change mitigation potential of these forests.

In Central and Eastern Europe Norway spruce is currently facing unprecedented severe threats by multiple abiotic and biotic stressors.
The current forest health crisis questions the size of the climate change mitigation potential of the future forests.

In SURGE-Pro, we will analyze the past development and present status of Norway spruce in the three partner regions (Western Ukraine, Northwest Russia and Southwest Germany) and provide climate sensitive scenario-based mid-term projections of Norway spruce wood supply with special focus on the transition to carbon-neutral green economies.
The expected results will be unique and timely information on future availability of Norway spruce wood (particularly timber) in the three model regions in Europe.

Trilateral research project in collaboration with Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU), Lviv, and St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University, STSFTU.

Researchers: Christian Vonderach, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Kahle, Prof. Dr. Thomas Seifert
Support: VolkswagenStiftung (Az: 97781)
Duration: 01.02.2021 bis 31.01.2024