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Dipl.: Specific Courses

Ecological Bases of Forest Growth
Winter Semester 2007/2008
Wachstumsmodelle, Nr. 31b , 7. Sem.
Global Change und Ressourcennachhaltigkeit in Waldökosystemen, Nr. 470 a/b, 7. Sem.

Summer Semester 2007
Mountain Forest Ecology in the Swiss Alps, Nr. 610b,
Obligatory meeting: changed: 16.05.2007, 12:15 h at SR 02063 (IWW)

Controlling Forest Growth
Winter Semester 2007/2008
Nutzungsstrategien, Nr. 76b, 5. Sem.
Forestry in Russia, Forest Resources and Their Use, Nr. 361b, 7. Sem.
Forest Resources and Forest Management in France and Germany, Nr. 554b, 5.-7. Sem.
Waldwachstumskundliche Aspekte der Überführung, Nr. 410b, 7. Sem.

Summer Semester 2007
Forest Resources and Forest Management in France and Germany, Nr. 554b, 5.-7. Sem.
More information
Obligatory meeting: 29 March 2007 15:15 at SR 02063 (IWW)
Fachtagung: Anbau und Nutzung von Bäumen auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, Nr. 745b 8. Sem. More information: cf. project homepage.
Management Tools: Field Studies in the Rhine Valley and the Palatinate Forest, Nr. 234b, 6. Sem.
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Waldwachstumskundliche Grundlagen für Pflegekonzepte von Edellaubbäume, Nr. 274b , 8. Sem.
Broadleaved Forest Management in Canada, Nr. 636b, 6. Sem.
Field Course - Forests and Forestry in Canda, Nr. 667b, 6. Sem.
Field Course - Forests and Forestry in Europe, Nr. 668b, 6. Sem.