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International Research Networks

Current Activities in International Research Networks

  • Surge-Pro
  • The past development, present status and likely futures of Norway spruce in Western Ukraine, Northwest Russia and Southwest Germany - A scenario-based projection of forest resources and wood supply to support transition to green economies MORE
  • IUFRO 4.01.04
  • IUFRO is the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Working group 4.01.04 studies the "Effects of environmental changed on forest growth".

  • NFZ.forestnet
  • The NFZ.forestnet is a Research and Teaching network in the area of forest sciences, situated in Nancy/France, Freiburg/Germany and Zurich/Switzerland.
  • NNEXT: COST Action FP1403
    A European network dealing with non-native tree species in European Forests. Within the network (i) the most important tree species, (ii) their history and current distribution, (iii) their potential in respect to growth, value production and silvicultural practices as well as (iv) assessment of risks. (Contribution of IWW: Vice Chair)
  • NWFP: COST Action FP1203
    European non-wood forest products network: NWFPs offer wide range of many different products. NWFPs can be derived from trees, understory plants, fungi or animals. They are collected from natural forests, or produced in plantations and agroforestry systems. Examples of NWFPs include mushrooms, truffles, bark (e. g. cork), nuts, acorns and other tree fruits, resin, understory berries, medicinal and aromatic plants, fodder and litter for livestock, honey and game.

Past Activities in International Research Networks

  • SURGE : Strengthening the Adaptive Potential of the Forests of Western Ukraine, Northwest Russia and Southwest Germany to Changing Environmental Conditions and Societal Needs - Strategies and Measures for Increasing and Sustaining the Provision of Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services Press release University
  • Association of Tree-ring research The Association of Tree Ring Research (ATR) aims at improving the quality of research in the field of dendrochronology.
  • EFI Central European Regional Office -  EFICENT - builds new synergies in forest research.
  • StarTree Optimizing multifunctional tree management as well as marketing and economic outcome of non wood forest products.
  • COST ECHOES - Expected climate change and options for European silviculture - is a network of scientists from different countries all over Europe.
  • IUFRO General Board Member
    IUFRO is "the" global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 member organiziations in over 110 countries.
  • ConForest
    ConForest is a Project Centre of the European Forest Institute dealing with the CONversion of coniferous FORESTs on sites naturally dominated by broadleaves for sustainable fulfilment of societys needs.
  • COST E42 Growing Valuable Broadleaved Tree Species (ValBro) (site under construction)
    COST E42 is a Network of scientists from different countries all over Europe working on ecological, economic, and social aspects of growing valuable broadleaved tree species, such as wild cherry (prinus avium), maple (acer spec.), birch species (betula spec.), and several others.