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"Lin4Future" - Development of planning tools for sustainable management of forests and application of these instruments in a model forest enterprise in China

In recent years huge efforts have been made in order to improve the state of the forests in China. Enormous areas have been afforested within a short time. However, the current state of the forests is not yet satisfactory. Forest management techniques have to be further developed. Especially experience in long-term planning is limited. Neither sufficient knowledge about forest growth nor exist appropriate long-term management tools. Two German and two Chinese partners work together in order to improve long-term forest management. The chair of Forest Growth and Dendroecology, University Freiburg, develops growth models adapted to the local conditions and Giscon Systems GmbH (KMU in Dortmund) develops an integrating planning software, which provides the information adapted to the local information needs. The Chinese Academy of Forestry supports the project together with the state forest enterprise Zhongtiaoshan Forest Management Bureau in Shanxi province, which is already selected as a model enterprise for forest management in China.



ResearcherLars Sprengel, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich Spiecker
SupportFederal Ministry of Education and Research
Duration01.09.2017-31.12.2021 FK: 01LZ1701A