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Publikationen 2008

Ågren, G.I.; Chertov, O.G.; Kahle, H.P.; Kellomäki, S.; Komarov, A.S.; Mellert, K.H.; Van Oijen, M.; Prietzel, J.; Spiecker, H.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E. (2008): Analysis of the long-term consequences for sustainability of observed growth changes of the European forests. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recogntion Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 235-238

Duncker, P.; Spiecker, H. (2008): Cross-sectional compression wood distribution and its relation to eccentric radial growth in Picea abies [L.] Karst. Dendrochronologia 26 (3), S. 195-202

Hein, S. and Spiecker, H. (2008): Crown and Tree Allometry of Open-Grown Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Agroforestry Systems 73: 205-218

Hemery, G., Spiecker, H., Aldinger, E., Kerr, G., Collet, C., and Bell, S. (2008): Growing valuable broadleaved tree species Final Report October 2008: 40p.

Kahle, H.P. (2008): Elasticity of tree radial growth to environmental stress. International Conference on Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies and Practices - Umeå, Sweden 25-28 August 2008. Book of Abstracts and Preliminary Programme. S. 108. PDF

Kahle, H.P.; Günther, J.; Spiecker,H.; Marques, R.; Brüske, J. (2008): Continuous monitoring of tree radial growth and stem hydrology with electronic point dendrometers - An example from the Atlantic Rain Forest, Paraná, Brazil. PDF

Kahle, H.P.; Karjalainen, T.; Ågren, G.I.; Kellomäki, S.; Van Oijen, M.; Prietzel, J.; Spiecker, H. (2008): Conclusions. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the RecognitionProject. Brill. Leiden. S. 234-257

Kahle, H.P., Karjalainen, T., Schuck, A., Agren, G.I., Kellomäki, S., Mellert, K.H., Prietzel, J., Rehfuess, K.E., Spiecker, H. (Eds.), 2008. Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill, Leiden. European Forest Institute Research Report 21: 272 S.

Kahle, H.P.; Spiecker, H.; Unseld, R.; Pérez Martínez, P.J; Prietzel, J.; Mellert, K.H.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E. (2008): Sampling, measurement and analysis methods. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 35-45

Kahle, H.P.; Spiecker, H.; Unseld, R.; Pérez Martínez, P.J.; Prietzel, J.; Mellert, K.H.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E. (2008): Temporal trends and spatial patterns of height growth changes in relation to changes in air temperature and precipitation, and in relation to levels of foliar nitrogen and nitrogen deposition. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 127-167

Kahle, H.P.; Spiecker, H.; Unseld, R.; Pérez Martínez, P.J; Prietzel, J.; Mellert, K.H.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E. (2008): Short-, medium-, and long-term variation in radial growth, and the role of changes in the climatic water balance for the growth of three tree species in Europe. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 169-182

Kahle, H.P.; Van Oijen, M.; Spiecker, H.; Ågren, G.I.; Chertov, O.G.; Kellomäki, S.; Mellert, K.H.; Pérez Matrínez, P.J.; Prietzel, J.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E.; Unseld, R. (2008): Analysis of the relative importance of nutrients, climatic factors, and CO2 as causes of observed changes in growth. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the RecognitionProject. Brill. Leiden. S. 217-234

Lopatin, E., Kolström, T. and Spiecker, H. (2008): Impact of climate change on radial growth of Siberian spruce and Scots pine in North-western Russia. iForest 1:13-21

Lopatin, E., Kolström, T. and Spiecker, H. (2008): Long-term trends in radial growth of Siberian spruce and Scots pine in Komi Republic (northwest Russia). Boreal Env. Res. 13: 539-552

Mellert, K.H.; Prietzel, J.; Straussberger, R.; Dorsch, B.; Kahle, H.P.; Pérez Martínez, P.J.; Rehfuess, K.E.; Spiecker, H. (2008): Historical development of nutrition and climate and their relationships with tree growth for three European tree species. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 83-125

Mellert, K.H.; Prietzel, J.; Straussberger, R.; Rehfuess, K.E.; Kahle, H.P.; Pérez Martínez, P.J.; Spiecker, H. (2008): Relationships between long-term trends in air temperature, precipitation, nitrogen nutrition and growth of coniferous stands in Central Europe and Finland. European Journal of Forest Research 127 , S. 507-524.

Prietzel, J.; Mellert, K.H.; Straussberger, R.; Kahle, H.P.; Spiecker, H.; Rehfuess, K.E. (2008): Collection, selection, and processing of data - Correlative approach. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recognition Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 15-34

Reeg, T.; Brix M. (2008): Zielgebietsauswahl für Agroforstsysteme - Vorschläge unter Berücksichtigung der verschiedenen Interessen in der Landnutzung. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 6/2008 , S. 173-179

Reeg, T.; Möndel, A.; Brix M.; Konold, W. (2008): Naturschutz in der Agrarlandschaft neue Möglichkeiten mit modernen Agroforstsystemen? Natur und Landschaft 06/2008 , S. 261-266

Spiecker, H.: Controlling the diameter growth and the natural pruning of Sessile and Pedunculate Oaks (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L.). Freiburg. 135 S.

Spiecker, H.: The evolution of forest management in Europe. In SAMPLE, A. and Anderson S. (Eds.) (2008): Common goals for sustainable Forest Management - Divergence and Reconvergence of American and European Forestry. Forest History Society, Durham and Pinchot Institute for Conservation, Washington DC.: 168-189

Spiecker, H., v. Teuffel, K. (Hrsg.) 2008: Ressourcenknappheit und Klimaänderung: Herausforderungen für die Forstwissenschaft / Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2008, 24. - 27. September 2008, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. Ausgerichtet von der Fakultät für Forst- und Umweltwissenschaften und der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg für die deutschen forstwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten und forstlichen Versuchsanstalten. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg ; FVA, Freiburger forstliche Forschung, Berichte ; H. 76: 134 S.

Van Oijen, M.; Ågren, G.I.; Chertov, O.G.; Kahle, H.P.; Kellomäki, S.; Komarov, A.S.; Mellert, K.H.; Prietzel, J.; Spiecker, H.; Straussberger, R. (2008): A comparison of empirical and process-based modelling methods for analysing changes in European forest growth. In: Kahle, H.P. et al. (eds.): Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe - Results of the Recogntion Project. Brill. Leiden. S. 203-216