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Publikationen 2022

Bohn Reckziegel, R.; Mbongo, W.; Kunneke, A.; Morhart, C.; Sheppard, J.P.; Chirwa, P.; du Toit, B.; Kahle, H.-P. "Exploring the Branch Wood Supply Potential of an Agroforestry System with Strategically Designed Harvesting Interventions Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Data." Forests 13.5 (2022): 650.

Büntgen, U., Smith, S.H., Wagner, S., Krusic, P., Esper, J., Piermattei, A., Crivellaro, A., Reinig, F., Tegel, W., Kirdyanov, A., Trnka, M. & Oppenheimer, C. (2022): Global tree-ring response and inferred climate variation following the mid-thirteenth century Samalas eruption. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06141-3

Čejka, T., Thomas, P. W., Oliach, D., Stobbe, U., Egli, S., Tegel, W., Centenaro, G., Sproll, L., Bagi, I., MiroslavTrnka, M., Büntgen, U. (2022). Understanding the performance of truffle dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior.

Costa, Augusta; Cherubini, Paolo; Graça, José; Spiecker, Heinrich; Barbosa, Inês; Máguas, Cristina (2022): Beyond width and density: stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in cork-rings provide insights of physiological responses to water stress in Quercus suber L. In PeerJ 10, e14270. DOI: 10.7717/peerj .14270.

Costa, A., Graça, J., Barbosa, I., Spiecker, H. (2022): Effect of climate on cork ring width and density of Quercus suber L. in Southern Portugal. Trees.

Croutsch, C., Rault, E., Tegel, W. (2022) Dater des puits en bois. L’exemple du parc d’activités du Pays d’Erstein (Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France). In: Marcigny C., Lachenal T., Milcent P.-Y., Mordant C., Peake R., Talon M. (dir.), 2022 : Mesurer le temps de l'âge du Bronze, actes de la journée thématique de l'APRAB du 6 mars 2020 à Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Bulletin de l'APRAB 8. 211–218

Denter, M., Frey, J., Kattenborn, T., Weinacker, H., Seifert, T., Koch, B. (2022). Assessment of camera focal length influence on canopy reconstruction quality. ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.6, 2022.

Dorado-Liñán, I., Ayarzagüena, B., Babst, F., Xu, G., Gil, L., Battipaglia, G., Buras, A., Čada, V., Camarero, J. J., Cavin, L., Claessens, H., Drobyshev, I., Garamszegi, B., Grabner, M., Hacket-Pain, A., Hartl, C., Hevia, A., Janda, P., Jump, A. S., Kazimirovic, M., Keren, S., Kreyling, J., Land, A., Latte, N., Levanič, T., van der Maaten, E., van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Martínez-Sancho, E., Menzel, A., Mikoláš, M., Motta, R., Muffler, L., Nola, P., Panayotov, M., Petritan, A. M., Petritan, I. C., Popa, I., Prislan, P., Roibu, C.-C., Rydval, M., Sánchez-Salguero, R., Scharnweber, T., Stajić, B., Svoboda, M., Tegel, W., Teodosiu, M., Toromani, E., Trotsiuk, V., Turcu, D.-O., Weigel, R., Wilmking, M., Zang, C., Zlatanov, T., & Trouet, V. (2022). Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-10.

Drew DM, Downes GM, Seifert T et al. A Review of Progress and Applications in Wood Quality Modelling. Curr Forestry Rep (2022).

Ecke S, Dempewolf J, Frey J, Schwaller A, Endres E, Klemmt, H-J, Tiede D, Seifert T (2022) UAV-Based Forest Health Monitoring: A Systematic Review. Remote Sens. , 14, 3205.

Haberstroh S, Werner C, Grün M, Kreuzwieser J, Seifert T, Schindler S, Christen A (2022) Central European 2018 hot drought shifts scots pine forest to its tipping point. Plant Biology.

Helbach, Jan; Frey, Julian; Messier, Christian; Mörsdorf, Martin;
Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael; 2022. Light heterogeneity affects understory plant species richness in temperate forests supporting the heterogeneity–diversity hypothesis.     Ecology and Evolution,12,2.

Hu M, Olsson A, Hall S, Seifert T (2022) Fibre directions at a branch-stem junction in Norway spruce: a microscale investigation using X-ray computed tomography. Wood Sci Technol 56, 147–169.

Izdebski, A., Guzowski, P., Poniat, R., Masci, L., Palli, J., Vignola, C., Bauch, M., Cocozza, C., Fernandes, R., Ljungqvist, F. C., Newfield, T., Seim, A., Abel-Schaad, D., Alba-Sánchez, F., Björkman, L., Brauer, A., Brown, A., Czerwiński, S., Ejarque, A., Fiłoc, M., Florenzano, A., Fredh, E.D., Fyfe, R., Jasiunas, N., Kołaczek, P., Kouli, K., Kozáková, R., Kupryjanowicz, M., Lagerås, P., Lamentowicz, M., Lindbladh, M., López-Sáez, J.A., Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R., Marcisz, K., Mazier, F., Mensing, S., Mercuri, A.M., Milecka, K., Miras, Y., Noryśkiewicz, A.M., Novenko, E., Obremska, M., Panajiotidis, S., Papadopoulou, M. L., Pędziszewska, A., Pérez-Díaz, S., Piovesan, G., Pluskowski, A., Pokorny, P., Poska, A., Reitalu, T., Rösch, M., Sadori, L., Sá Ferreira, C., Sebag, D., Słowiński, M., Stančikaitė, M., Stivrins, N., Tunno, I., Veski, S., Wacnik, A., Masi, A. (2022) Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1-10.

Kahle, H.-P., Yue, C., Klädtke, J., Kohnle, U. (2022). Die Bedeutung räumlicher Variabilität und zeitlicher Entwicklung für die Modellierung der Höhenbonität unter Klimaänderungsbedingungen. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung der Sektion Ertragskunde, S.153-162

Kattenborn, Teja; Schiefer, Felix; Frey, Julian; Feilhauer, Hannes;
Mahecha, Miguel D; Dormann, Carsten F; 2022. Spatially autocorrelated training and validation samples inflate performance assessment of convolutional neural networks. ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,5,100018,Elsevier.

Kolbe S, Rentschler F, Frey J, Seifert T, Gardiner B, Detter A, Schindler, D. (2022) Assessment of Effective Wind Loads on Individual Plantation-Grown Forest Trees. Forests 2022, 13, 1026

Larysch, E., Stangler, D.F., Puhlmann, H., Rathgeber, C.B.K., Seifert, T. and Kahle, H.-P. (2022), The 2018 hot drought pushed conifer wood formation to the limit of its plasticity: Consequences for woody biomass production and tree ring structure. Plant Biol J.

Liu, Xiang; Frey, Julian; Denter, Martin; Zielewska-Büttner, Katarzyna;
Still, Nicole; Koch, Barbara; 2022. Mapping standing dead trees in temperate montane forests using a pixel-and object-based image fusion method and stereo WorldView-3 imagery, Ecological Indicators, 133,Elsevier

Ljungqvist, F.C., Seim, A., Tegel, W., Krusic, P.J., Baittinger, C., Belingard, C., Bernabei, M., Bonde, N., Borghaerts, P., Couturier, Y., Crone, A., van Daalen, S., Daly, A., Doeve, P., Domínguez-Delmás, M., Edouard, J.-L., Frank, T., Ginzler, C., Grabner, M., Gschwind, F.M., Haneca, K., Hansson A., Herzig, F., Heussner, K.-U., Hofmann, J., Houbrechts, D., Kaczka, R.J., Kolář, T., Kontic, R., Kyncl, T., Labbas, V., Lagerås, P., Le Digol, Y., Le Roy, M., Leuschner, H.H., Linderson, H., Ludlow, F., Marais, A., Mills, C., Nicolussi, K., Perrault, C., Pfeifer, K., Rzepecki, A., Rybníček, M., Schmidhalter, M., Seifert, M., Shindo, L., Susperregi, J., Løvstrand Svarva, H., Thun, T., Walder, F., Ważny, T., Werthe, E., Westphal, T., Wilson, R., Büntgen, U. (2022) Regional Patterns of Late Medieval and Early Modern European Building Activity Revealed by Felling Dates. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:825751.

Ljungqvist, F.C., Thejll, P., Christiansen, B., Seim, A., Hartl, C., Esper, J. (2022) The significance of climate variability on early modern European grain prices. Cliometrica 16: 29–77.

Makhubele, G., Chirwa, P.W., Sheppard, J.P., Tshidzumba, R.P., Araia, M.G., Kahle, H.-P. (2022). Erhaltung des Baumartenreichtums in einer traditionellen Agroforstlandschaft im Biosphärenreservat Vhembe, Südafrika. Wälder 2022, 13(11), 1766.

Marquer, L., Otto, T., Ben Arous, E., Stoetzel, E., Campmas, E., Zazzo, A., Tombret, O., Seim, A., Kofler, W., Falguères, C., Abdeljalil El Hajraoui, M., Nespoulet, R. (2022) The first use of olives in Africa around 100,000 years ago. Nature Plants 8, 204-208.

Miller TW, Stangler DF, Larysch E, Honer H, Seifert T, Kahle H-P (2022) A methodological framework to optimize models predicting critical dates of xylem phenology based on dendrometer data. Dendrochronologia 72:125940. doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2022.125940

Miller TW, Stangler DF, Larysch E, Honer H, Seifert T, Puhlmann H, Arx G von, Fonti P, Fonti MV, Rathgeber CB, Kahle H-P (2022) Longer and faster: Intra-annual growth dynamics of Douglas fir outperform Norway spruce and silver fir over wide climatic gradients. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 321:108970. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108970

Muigg, B., Tegel, W. (2022). Umweltkrisen und der Untergang des Römischen Reiches. In: Der Untergang des Römischen Reiches. Hrsg. Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz. Theiss in Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG) (Verlag) 978-3-8062-4425-0 (ISBN).

Rappa, Nolan J; Staab, Michael; Frey, Julian; Winiger, Nathalie; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; 2022. Multiple forest structural elements are needed to promote beetle biomass, diversity and abundance. Forest Ecosystems,9,100056,Elsevier.

Rodrigues, G. G.; Raden, M.; Silva, L. D.; Kahle, H.-P. "Temporal annotation of high-resolution intra-annual wood density information of Eucalyptus urophylla and its correlation with hydroclimatic conditions." Dendrochronologia (2022): 125978.

Safari, E., Moradi, H., Seim, A., Yousefpour, R., Mirzakhani, M., Tegel, W., Soosani, J., Kahle, H. P. (2022). Regional Drought Conditions Control Quercus brantii Lindl. Growth within Contrasting Forest Stands in the Central Zagros Mountains, Iran. Forests, 13(4), 495.

Salomón RL, Peters RL, Zweifel R, Sass-Klaassen UGW, Stegehuis AI, Smiljanic M, Poyatos R, Babst F, Cienciala E, Fonti P, Lerink BJW, Lindner M, Martinez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M, Nabuurs G-J, van der Maaten E, von Arx G, Bär A, Akhmetzyanov L, Balanzategui D, Bellan M, Bendix J, Berveiller D, Blaženec M, Čada V, Carraro V, Cecchini S, Chan T, Conedera M, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Ditmarová Ľ, Dolezal J, Dufrêne E, Edvardsson J, Ehekircher S, Forner A, Frouz J, Ganthaler A, Gryc V, Güney A, Heinrich I, Hentschel R, Janda P, Ježík M, Kahle H-P, Knüsel S, Krejza J, Kuberski Ł, Kučera J, Lebourgeois F, Mikoláš M, Matula R, Mayr S, Oberhuber W, Obojes N, Osborne B, Paljakka T, Plichta R, Rabbel I, Rathgeber CBK, Salmon Y, Saunders M, Scharnweber T, Sitková Z, Stangler DF, Stereńczak K, Stojanović M, Střelcová K, Světlík J, Svoboda M, Tobin B, Trotsiuk V, Urban J, Valladares F, Vavrčík H, Vejpustková M, Walthert L, Wilmking M, Zin E, Zou J, Steppe K (2022) The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Nature Communications 13:28. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27579-9

Seim, A., Marquer, L., Bisson, U., Hofmann, J., Herzig, F., Kontic, R., Lechterbeck, J., Muigg, B., Neyses-Eiden, M., Rzepecki, A., Rösch, M., Walder, F., Weidemüller, J., Tegel, W. (2022) Historical Spruce Abundance in Central Europe: A Combined Dendrochronological and Palynological Approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:909453. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.909453

Sprengel, L.; Spiecker, H.; Wu, S. (2022) Two subject specific modelling approaches to construct base-age invariant polymorphic site index curves with varying asymptotes.Silva Fennica vol. 56 no.1, article id 10544.

Stangler, D.F., Miller, T.W., Honer, H., Larysch, E., Puhlmann, H., Seifert, T., Kahle, H.-P. (2022). Multivariate Trockenstressantwort von Fichte, Weißtanne und Douglasie entlang von Höhengradienten in Südwestdeutschland. Vorder-. Ecol. Evol., 23. September 2022 Sek. Paläoökologie, Band 10, 2022,

Staubli, F., Imola, L.,Dauphin, B., Molinier, V., Pfister, S., Piñuela, Y., Schürz, L., Sproll, L., Steidinger, B.S., Stobbe, U., Tegel, W., Büntgen, U., Egli, S., Peter, M. (2022) Hidden fairy rings and males—Genetic patterns of natural Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) populations reveal new insights into its life cycle. Environmental Microbiology, 1–16.

Steidinger, B. S., Büntgen, U., Stobbe, U., Tegel, W., Sproll, L., Haeni, M., Moser, B., Bagi, I., Bonet, J.-A., Buée, M., Dauphin, B., Martínez-Peña, F., Molinier, V., Zweifel, R., Egli, S., & Peter, M. (2022). The fall of the summer truffle: Recurring hot, dry summers result in declining fruitbody production of Tuber aestivum in Central Europe. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 15.

Tegel, W., Muigg, B. (2022) Dendrochronological dating of stone walls: Studies on Mont Sainte-Odile (F-Alsace) and early medieval stone architecture. In: Cerner le passé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Patrick Hoffsummer, éd. Line Van Wersch, Sarah Cremer, Pascale Fraiture, Christophe Maggi, David Strivay, Muriel Van Ruymbeke, Armelle Weitz, Liège, Atelier des Presses, 2021. 105–120

Tegel, W., Muigg, B., Skiadaresis, G., Vanmoerkerke, J., Seim, A. (2022) Dendroarchaeology in Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 823622.

Yue, C., Kahle, H.-P., Klädtke, J., Kohnle, U. (2022) Oberhöhenbonitierung ohne Alter? Beiträge zur Jahrestagung der Sektion Ertragskunde, S.7-18.