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Publikationen 2014

Boden, S., Kahle, H.P., Wilpert, K.v., Spiecker, H., 2014. Resilience of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) growth to changing climatic conditions in Southwest Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 315: 12-21. Link

Brkojewitsch, G., Marquié, S., Daoulas, G., Remor de Oliveira, G., Jouanin, G., Garnier, N., Brunet, M., Sedlbauer, S., Tegel, W., Cantin, N., Thirion-Merle, V., 2014. La villa gallo-romaine de Grigy à Metz (Ier s. apr. J.-C. – Ve s. apr. J.-C.) Gallia 71 (2), S. 261-305.

Büntgen, U., Hellmann, L., Tegel, W., Normand, S., Myer-Smith, I., Kirdyanov, A., Nievergelt, D., Schweingruber, F.H., 2014. Temperature-induced recruitment pulses of Arctic dwarf shrub communities. Journal of Ecology 12/2014. Link

Büntgen, U., Kirdyanov, A.V., Hellmann, L., Nikolayev, A., Tegel, W., 2014. Cruising the archive: on the palaeoclimatic value of the Lena Delta. The Holocene. Link

Büntgen, U., Tegel, W., 2014. Dendroklimatologische Beiträge zur Klimageschichte. In: Die Schweiz vom Paläolithikum bis zum Mittelalter. SPM VII Archäologie der Zeit von 800 bis 1350. Verlag Archäologie Schweiz, Basel ISBN 978-3-908006-58-9: 53–57

Büntgen, U., Tegel, W., Kaplan, J.O., Schaub, M., Hagedorn, F., Bürgi, M., Brázdil, R., Helle, G., Carrer, M., Heussner, K.U., Hofmann, J., Kontic, R., Kyncl, T., Kyncl, J., Camarero, J.J., Tinner, W., Esper, J., Liebhold, A., 2014. Placing unprecedented recent fir growth in a European-wide and Holocene-long context. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12: 100-106. Link

Büntgen, U., Wacker, L., Nicolussi, K., Sigl, M., Güttler, D., Tegel, W., Krusic, P.J., Esper, J., 2014. Extraterrestrial confirmation of tree-ring dating. Nature Climate Change 4: 404-405. pdf

Dupraz, C., Tosi, L., Paris, P., Facciotto, G., André, J., Graves, A., Lunny, R., Morhart, C., Nahm, M., 2014. Alley Coppice: an innovative agroforestry system that combines timber and energy wood production; World congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India.

Ferraresso, I., Koppers, A., Tegel, W., 2014. Le quartier de la halle à Faulquemont, étude archéologique et architecturale. Le cahier du pays naborien 27: S. 37–53

Hackenberg, J., Morhart, C., Sheppard, J., Spiecker, H., Disney, M., 2014. Highly Accurate Tree Models Derived from Terrestrial Laser Scan Data: A Method Description. Forests 5(5). Link

Hakelberg, D., Tegel, W., Herzig, F., Weidemüller, J., 2014. Das Werkholz des Adelhauser Tragaltars. Herkunft und dendrochronologische Datierung. In: Eva-Maria Breisig (Hg.): Unterwegs in der Zeit der Karolinger. Der Adelhauser Tragaltar (Freiburg 2014), S. 51–57.

Isaac-Renton, M., Roberts, D., Hamann, A., Spiecker, H., 2014. Douglas-fir plantations in Europe: a retrospective test of assisted migration to address climate change. Global Change Biology (bisher nur online veröffentlicht). Link

Laurelut, C., Blancquaert, G., Blouet, V., Klag, T., Malrain, F., Marcigny, C., Riquier, V., Tegel, W., Vanmoerkerke, J., 2014: Vingt-cinq ans de recherche préventive protohistorique en France du Nord: Évolution des pratiques et changements de perspectives, de l’accumulation à la synthèse des données. In : Sénépart, I., Billard, C., Bostyn, F., Praud, I., Thirault, É. (Hg.): Méthodologie des recherches de terrain sur la Préhistoire récente en France. Nouveaux acquis, nouveaux outils, 1987-2012. Actes des premières rencontres Nord/sud de Préhistoire récente, Marseille, ISBN 978-2-35842-014-3 : S. 419–457

Mattes, A., 2014. Zuwachs und Konkurrenz in Buchen-/Eichenmischbeständen unter sich ändernden Klimabedingungen. Dissertation an der Fakultät für Umwlet und natürliche Ressourcen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Link

Montwé, D., Spiecker, H., Hamann, A., 2014. An experimentally controlled extreme drought in a Norway spruce forest reveals fast hydraulic response and subsequent recovery of growth rates. Trees - Structure and Function. Link

Morhart, C., Douglas, G.C., Dupraz, C., Graves, A.R., Nahm, M., Paris, P., Sauter, U.H., Sheppard, J., Spiecker, H. 2014. Alley coppice—a new system with ancient roots. Annals of Forest Science: 1-16. Link

Morhart, C., Nahm, M., Sauter, U.H., Spiecker, H., 2014. Agroforestry at the limits: Using field scarps and lynchets for valuable wood production.- In: Palma J.H.N. (ed.): 2nd European Agroforestry Conference: Integrating Science and Policy to Promote Agroforestry in Practice. Cottbus, Germany. S. 165-167.

Nahm, M., Morhart, C., Spiecker, H., Sauter, U.H., 2014. Agroforst ganz am Rande. Böschungen und Feldraine für die Wertholzproduktion nutzen. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 46 (12), S. 377–381.

Paris, P., Andre, J., Facciotto, G., Tosi, L., Nahm, M., Morhart, C., Douglas, G.C., Lunny, R., Dupraz, C., Graves, A., 2014. Alley coppice: an innovative land use system - options of system design with experimental evidence.- In: Palma J.H.N. (ed.): 2nd European Agroforestry Conference: Integrating Science and Policy to Promote Agroforestry in Practice. Cottbus, Germany. S. 59-62.

Seim, A., Treydte, K., Trouet, V., Frank, D., Fonti, P., Tegel, W., Panayotov, M., Fernandez Donado, L., Büntgen, U., 2014. Climate sensitivity of Mediterranean pine growth reveals distinct east-west dipole. International Journal of Climatology. doi: 10.1002/joc.4137. Link

Seiller, M., Lohrum, B., Tegel, W., Werlé, M., 2014. 
Des châssis de fenêtre en bois du XIe siècle et de nouvelles observations sur les parties orientales de l’ancienne église collégiale de Surbourg. Cahiers alsaciens d’archéologie, d’art et d’histoire, Tome LVII – 2014 : 57–74

Sheppard, J., Morhart, C., Spiecker, H., 2014. Influence of spacing on biomass and bark proportion for three hybrid poplar clones at an age of four years.- In: Paris P., Nahm M. (eds.): A modern response to global challenges of climate change, food production, bioenergy needs, environmental restoration, Porano, Italy

Spathelf, P., van der Maaten, E., van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Campioli, M., Dobrowolska, D., 2014. Climate change impacts in European forests: the expert views of local observers. Annals of Forest Science 71:131-137. Link

Spiecker, H., Schuler, J., 2014. Potential of long rotation forestry (LRF). In: Pelkonen, P., Mustonen, M., Asikainen, A., Egnell, G., Kant, P. , Leduc, S., Pettenella, D. (Hg.): Forest Bioenergy for Europe (EFI What Science can tell us 4), 70–74. Link

Stängle, S.M., Brüchert, F., Kretschmer, U., Spiecker, H., Sauter, U.H., 2014. Clear wood content in standing trees predicted from branch scar measurements with terrestrial LiDAR and verified with X-ray computed tomography. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(2): 145–153. pdf

Stangler, D., Hamann, A., Kahle, H.P., Diaconu, D., Spiecker, H., 2014. Growth phenology and productivity of sugar maple and yellow birch under the influence of forest management and environmental stress. Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology – St. Andrews 2014 – Book of Abstracts. S. 112

Stangler, D., Schreiner, S., Lu, Y., Hoffmann, S., Fehrmann, H., Makeschin, F., Spiecker, H., Kleinn, C., 2014. Chinas Forstwirtschaft vor großen Herausforderungen. AFZ–DerWald 68 (13): 32-34

Stangler, D., Rosskopf, E., Kahle, H.P., Spiecker, H., 2014. Integrated analysis of stem radial displacement and wood formation dynamics of submontane Norway spruce. Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology – St. Andrews 2014 – Book of Abstracts. S. 113

Tegel, W., Hakelberg, D. 2014. Jahrringdaten archäologischer Holzfunde als Klima- und Umweltarchiv. Geographische Rundschau 7-8 (2014): 8-15. 

Tegel, W., Seim, A., Hakelberg, D., Hoffmann, S., Panev, M., Westphal, T., Büntgen, U., 2014. A recent growth increase of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at its Mediterranean distribution limit contradicts drought stress. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 61-71. Link

Tegel, W., Vanmoerkerke, J., 2014. Recherches dendroarchéologiques sur la fin de l’âge du fer et le début de l’époque romaine en Champagne-Ardenne. In: Silva et saltus en Gaule romaine: dynamique et gestion des forêts et des zones rurales marginales – Actes du VIIe colloque AGER VII Rennes, 27–28 oct. 2004. Bernard V, Favory F, Fiches J-L dir.- Besancon, pres. univ. de Franche-Comté : 175–182

Tosi, L., Nahm, M., Paris, P., Pisanelli, A., Douglas, G.C., Morhart, C., Graves, A., 2014. Social and economic evaluation of innovative alley coppice systems mixing timber trees with bioenergy wood crops in agroforestry.- In: Palma J.H.N. (ed.): 2nd European Agroforestry Conference: Integrating Science and Policy to Promote Agroforestry in Practice. Cottbus, Germany. S. 209-212.

Wassenberg, M., Montwé, D., Kahle, H.-P., Spiecker, H., 2014. Exploring High Frequency densitometry calibration functions for different tree species. Dendrochronologia. Link

Yue, C., Kahle, H.P., Kohnle, U., Zhang, Q., Kang, X., 2014. Detecting trends in diameter growth of Norway spruce on long-term forest research plots using linear mixed-effects models. European Journal of Forest Research: 1-10. Link