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Publikationen 2015

Büntgen, U., Egli, S., Schneider, L., von Arx, G., Rigling, A., Camarero, J.J., Sangüesa-Barreda, G., Fischer, C.R., Oliach, D., Bonet, J.A., Colinas, C., Tegel, W., Ruiz Barbarin, J.I., Martínez-Peña, F., 2015. Long-term irrigation effects on Spanish
holm oak growth and its black truffle symbiont. Agriculture, Ecosystems &
Environment 2020: 148–159.

Büntgen, U., Jäggi, M., Stobbe, U., Tegel, W., Sproll, L., Eikenberg, J., Egli, S., 2015. Ideas and perspectives: truffles not radioactive, Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 17851-17856. Link

Büntgen, U., Tegel, W., Career, M., Krusic, P.J., Hayes, M., Esper, J., 2015. Commentary to Wetter et al. (2014): Limited tree-ring evidence for a 1540 European ‘Megadrought’. Climatic Change. Link

Büntgen, U., Trnka, M., Krusic, P.J., Kyncl, T., Kyncl, J., Nicolussi, K., Luterbacher, J., Zorita, E., Charpentier Ljungqvist, F., Auer, I., Konter, O., Schneider, L., Tegel, W., Stepanek, P., Brönnimann, S., Hellmann, L., Nievergelt, D., Esper, J., 2015. Tree-Ring Amplification of the Early-19th Century Summer Cooling in Central Europe. Journal of Climate. Link

Cook, E.R., Seager, R., Kushnir, Y., Briffa, K.R., Büntgen, U., Frank, D., Krusic, P.J., Tegel, W., van der Schrier, G., Andreu-Hayles, L., Baillie, M., Baittinger, C., Bleicher, N., Bonde, N., Brown, D., Carrer, M., Cooper, R., Čufar, K., Dittmar, C., Esper, J., Griggs, C., Gunnarson, B., Günther, B., Gutierrez, E., Haneca, K., Helama, S., Herzig, F., Heussner, K.-U., Hofmann, J., Janda, P., Kontic, R., Köse, N., Kyncl, T., Levanič, T., Linderholm, H., Manning, S., Melvin, T.M., Miles, D., Neuwirth, B., Nicolussi, K., Nola, P., Panayotov, M., Popa, I., Rothe, A., Seftigen, K., Seim, A., Svarva, H., Svoboda, M., Thun, T., Timonen, M., Touchan, R., Trotsiuk, V., Trouet, V., Walder, F., Ważny, T., Wilson, R., Zang, C., 2015. Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era. Science Advances. 1. Link

Croutsch. C., Tegel, W., Rousselet, O., 2015. Dambach-la-Ville - Plateforme Départementale d'Activités d'Alsace Centrale (Bas-Rhin, Alsace) : Un habitat de la fin du Ve millénaire avant J.-C. Analyse dendrochronologique et premières données sur l'économie et l'environnement à travers les analyses carpologiques. Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 107 (4). S. 35–44.

Cufar, K., Tegel, W., Merela, M., Kromer, B., Veluscek, A., 2015. Eneolithic pile dwellings south of the Alps precisely dated with tree-ring chronologies from the north. Dendrochronologia, 35, 91–98. Link

Diaconu, D., Kahle, H.-P., Spiecker, H., 2015. Tree- and Stand-Level Thinning Effects on Growth of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) an a Northeast- and a southwest-Facing Slope in Southwest Germany. Forests 2015 (6). Link

Hackenberg, J., Spiecker, H., Calders, K., Disney, M., Raumonen, P., 2015. SimpleTree - An Efficient Open Scource Tool to Build Tree Models from TLS Clouds. Forests 2015, 6(11) 4245-4294. Link

Hellmann, L., Tegel, W., Büntgen, U., 2015. Arktisches Treibholz – ein einzigartiges Umweltarchiv. GeoPanorama 3: 10–14.

Hellmann, L., Tegel, W., Kirdyanov, A.V., Eggertsson, O., Esper, J., Agafonov, L., Nikolaev, A.N., Knorre, A.A., Myglan, V.S., Sidorova, O., Schweingruber, F.H., Nievergelt, D., Verstege, A., Büntgen, U., 2015. Timber logging in central Siberia is the main source for recent Arctic driftwood. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 47, 43-54.

Kahle, H.P., 2015. Kritische Überprüfung und Weiterentwicklung des Konzepts der forstlichen Standortproduktivität. In: Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten - Sektion Ertragskunde, Tagungsbericht 2015, 76–86. Link

Montwé, D., Isaac-Renton, M., Hamann, A., Spiecker, H., 2015. Drought tolerance and growth in populations of a wide-ranging tree species indicate climate change risks for the boreal north. Global Change Biology, Early View. Link

Montwé, D., Isaac-Renton, M., Spiecker, H., Hamann, A., 2015. Using steam to reduce artifacts in micro sections prepared with corn starch. Dendrochronologia, 35, 87–90, Link

Montwé, D., Spiecker, H., Hamann, A., 2015. Five decades of growth in a genetic field trial of Douglas-fir reveal trade-offs between productivity and drought tolerance. Tree Genetics & Genomes 11: 1–11. Link

Morhart, C., Sheppard, J., Douglas, G.C., Lunny, R., Spiecker, H., Nahm, M., 2015. Wertholzproduktion in Agroforstsystemen – ein Leitfaden für die Praxis. Freiburg: Professur für Waldwachstum. PDF: Leitfaden zur Wertholzproduktion in Agroforst-Systemen

Morhart, C., Sheppard, J., Douglas, G.C., Lunny, R., Paris, P., Spiecker, H., Nahm, M., 2015. Management guidelines for valuable wood production in Agroforestry systems. Freiburg, Germany: Chair of Forest Growth. PDF: Management Guidelines for Valuable Wood Production in Agroforestry Systems

Spiecker, H., 2015: Produktion von Eichenwertholz. AFZ-DerWald (13): S. 24-26. Link

Tegel, W., Büntgen, U., 2015. Historisches und aktuelles Tannenwachstum in Europa – eine dendroökologische Analyse. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitschrift 186: S. 32-44.

Teyssonneyre, Y., Chauvin, S., Mamie, A., Barrier, S., Roscio, M., Derbi, H., Argant, Th., Charbouillot, S., Robin, L., Adam, S., Leroy, B., Lety, C., Bernard, M., Tegel, W., Couchet, J., Save, S., Sarreste, F., Leclezio, L., Sivignon, R., 2015. Le site de la Corvée de Lux à Saint-Loup-de-Varennes (Saône et Loire): Périphéries de sites de plusieurs occupations datées entre le Néolithique final et le IV e S. De notre ère. In: Actes de la journée régionale d'archéologie du 24 mai 2014, Archéologie en Bourgogne, Dijon, 2015: 61–80.

Wang, C., Zhao, Z., Hein, S., Zeng, J., Schuler, J., Guo, J., Guo, W., Zeng, J., 2015. Effect of Planting Density on Knot Attributes and Branch Occlusion of Betula alnoides under Natural Pruning in Southern China. Forests 2015, 6, 1343-1361. Link

Wu Shuirong, Heinrich Spiecker, Chen Shaozhi, Zhang Xufeng, Lan Qian. 2015. Forest Management in Germany and its Inspirations for China. Forest Economics, 2015(1):50-55 (in Chinese)

Wassenberg, M, Chiu, H.-S., Guo, W., Spiecker, H., 2015. Analysis of wood density profiles of tree stems: incorporating vertical variations to optimize wood sampling strategies for density and biomass estimations. Trees 29 (2) S. 551 - 561. Link