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Publikationen 2020

Čejka, T., Trnka, M., Krusic, P. J., Stobbe, U., Oliach, D., Václavík, T., Tegel, W., Büntgen, U. (2020). Predicted climate change will increase the truffle cultivation potential in central Europe. Scientific Reports, 10 (1).

Cook, ER., Solomina, O., Matskovsky, V., Cook, BI., Agafonov, L., Berdnikova, A., Dolgova, E., Karpukhin, A., Knysh, N., Kulakova, M., Kuznetsova, V., Kyncl, T., Kyncl, J., Maximova, O., Panyushkina, I., Seim, A., Tishin, D., Ważny, T., Yermokhin, M., 2020. The European Russia Drought Atlas. Climate Dynamics, 1-19.

Cumplido-Marin L., Graves A.R., Burgess P.J., Morhart C., Paris P., Jablonowski N.D., Facciotto G., Bury M., Martens R., Nahm M. (2020): Two Novel Energy Crops: Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby and Silphium perfoliatum L. — State of Knowledge. Agronomy 10(7):928.

Croutsch C, Goepfert S, Roth-Zehner M, Féliu C, Tegel W, et al. (2020). Les puits à eau protohistoriques en Alsace entre 2300 et 25 av. J.-C. : une synthèse régionale. Christophe Croutsch; Sébastien Goepfert; Anne-Marie Adam. Les puits de la Protohistoire dans l’est de la France, Collection Mémoire d'Archéologie du Grand Est (6), AVAGE, pp.63-98, 978-2-9561936-5-4

De Cauwer V, Beeckman H, Kleinn C, Moses M, Notta A, Seifert T, Muys B (2020) Improving the knowledge base for tropical dry forest management in southern Africa: Regional volume models for Pterocarpus angolensis. Forest Ecology and Managemen, 477, 1 December 2020, 118485.

Erfurt, M., Skiadaresis, G., Tijdeman, E., Blauhut, V., Bauhus, J., Glaser, R., Schwarz, J., Tegel, W., Stahl, K. (2020). A multidisciplinary drought catalogue for southwestern Germany dating back to 1801. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2979–2995.

Gucker D, Rollet P, Jouhet E, Tegel W (2020). Les aménagements portuaires antiques de la Vesle à Reims/Durocortorum (Marne). Gallia - Archéologie des Gaules, CNRS Éditions, 2020, Les ports romains dans les Trois Gaules. Entre Atlantique et eaux intérieures, 77 (1), pp.303-316.

Hipler, S.-M.; Speicher, B.; Sprengel, L.; Kahle, H.-P.; Spiecker, H.; Wu, S., 2020. Impact of Precipitation and Temperature Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) on Annual Radial Increment of Selected Tree Species in Northeast China.Forests 2020, 11, 1093. doi:10.3390/f11101093

Knuff, A.K., Staab, M., Frey, J., Dormann, C.F., Asbeck, T. & Klein, A.-M. (2020) Insect abundance in managed forests benefits from multi-layered vegetation. Basic and Applied Ecology, 48, 124–135.

Kotze JDF , Beukes HB, Seifert T (2020) Designing an optimal sampling strategy for a national level invasive alien plant assessment: A South African case study. Ecological Indicators 119, 106763.

Laurelut C, Tegel W, Vanmorekerke J (2020) Y a-t-il une Hauslandschaft à la fin de l’âge du Fer en Europe occidentale et centrale ? In: Pierrevelcin G., Kysela J., Fichtl S. éd., 2020. Unité et diversité du monde celtique – Unity and Diversity in the Celtic World, Actes du 42e colloque international de l’AFEAF, Prague, 10-13 mai 2018. Paris, AFEAF/Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Arts : 117–129

Ljungqvist, FC., Piermattei, A., Seim, A., Krusic, PJ., Büntgen, U., He, M., Kirdyanov, AV., Luterbacher, J., Schneider, L., Seftigen, K., Stahle, DW., Villalba, R., Yang, B., Esper, J., 2020. Ranking of tree-ring based hydroclimate reconstructions of the past millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews 230: 106074

Manning, S.W., Wacker, L., Büntgen, U, Bronk Ramsey, C, Dee, M.W., Kromer, B, Lorentzen, B, Tegel, W. (2020) Radiocarbon offsets and old world chronology as relevant to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia and Thera (Santorini). Scientific Reports 10, 13785 (2020).

Mensah, S., Salakoa, K.V., Assogbadjo, A., Glèlè Kakaï, R., Sinsin, B., Seifert, T., 2020. Functional trait diversity is a stronger predictor of multifunctionality than dominance: Evidence from an Afromontane forest in South Africa. Ecological Indicators 115,106415.

Mensah S, Salako VK, Seifert T (2020) Structural complexity and large‐sized trees explain shifting species richness and carbon relationship across vegetation types. Functional Ecololgy, 34(8): 1731-1745.

Miller, T.W., Stangler, D.F., Larysch, E., Seifert, T., Spiecker, H., Kahle, H.-P., 2020.Plasticity of seasonal xylem and phloem production of Norway spruce along an elevational gradient.Trees, 2020, 1-17.

Muigg, B., Seim, A., Tegel, W., Werther, L., Herzig, F., Schmidt, J., Zielhofer, C., Land, A., Büntgen, U., 2020. Tree rings reveal dry conditions during Charlemagne’s Fossa Carolina construction in 793 CE. Quaternary Science Reviews 227, S. 106040. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106040

Muigg, B., Skiadaresis, G., Tegel, W., Herzig, F., Krusic, P. J., Schmidt, U. E., Büntgen, U. (2020). Tree rings reveal signs of Europe’s sustainable forest management long before the first historical evidence. Scientific Reports, 10 (1).

Munalula, F., Seifert, T., Meincken, M. (2020) Inter-annual growth response of three Miombo tree species to climatic effects, Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 82:2, 135-147, DOI: 10.2989/20702620.2020.1814111

Omurova, G.T., Seim, A., Barinov, V.V., Kardash, O.V., Myglan, V.S., 2020. Construction history and timber use of the medieval settlement Nadymskiy Gorodok in the northwestern Siberian forest-tundra. Journal of Archaeological Science 116: 105101,

Pötzelsberger, E., Spiecker, H., Neophytou, C., Mohren, F., Gazda, A., Hasenauer, H. (2020): Growing Non-native Trees in European Forests Brings Benefits and Opportunities but Also Has Its Risks and Limits. Current Forestry Reports.

Raden, M., Mattheis, A., Spiecker, H., Backofen, R., Kahle, H.-P., 2020. The potential of intra-annual density information for crossdating of short tree-ring series. Dendrochronologia, 60, Article 125679.

Rault E, Wuscher P, Gauthier A, Tegel W, Binois-Roman A, Bonnaire E, Chosson M, Delloul M (2020). Une occupation domestique hallstattienne dans le contexte humide du Ried de la Zorn à Weyersheim (Bas-Rhin). Revue Archéologique de l’Est, t. 69-2020, 83–121

Reinig, F, Sookdeo, A, Esper, J, Friedrich, M, Guidobaldi, G, Helle, G, Kromer, B, Nievergelt, D, Pauly, M, Tegel, W, Treydte, K, Wacker, L and Büntgen, U (2020) Illuminating IntCal during the Younger Dryas. Radiocarbon, 1-7. doi:10.1017/RDC.2020.15

Rybníček, M., Kočár, P., Muigg, B., Peška, J., Sedláček, R., Tegel, W., Kolář, T. , 2020. World's oldest dendrochronologically dated archaeological wood construction. Journal of Archaeological Science 115 (2020) 105082.

Schiefer, F., Kattenborn, T., Frick, A., Frey, J., Schall, P., Koch, B., et al. (2020) Mapping forest tree species in high resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery by means of convolutional neural networks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 170, 205–215.

Schuldt, B., Buras, A., Arend, M., Vitasse, Y., Beierkuhnlein, C., Damm, A., Gharun, M., Grams, T., Hauck, M., Hajek, P., Hartmann, H., Hilbrunner, E., Hoch, G., Holloway-Phillips, M., Körner, C., Larysch, E., Lübbe, T., Nelson, D., Rammig, A., Rigling, A. Rose, L., Ruehr, N., Schumann, K., Weiser, F., Werner, C., Wohlgemuth, T., Zang, C., Kahmen, A. (2020). A first assessment of the impact of the extreme 2018 summer drought on Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Schulz V., Sharaf H., Weisenburger S., Morhart C., Konold W., Stolzenburg K., Spiecker H., Nahm M. (2020): Agroforst-Systeme zur Wertholzerzeugung, Augustenberger Beratungshilfe, Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg (LTZ), Karlsruhe.

Sheppard J.P., Bohn Reckziegel R., Borrass L., Chirwa P.W., Cuaranhua C.J., Hassler S.K., Hoffmeister S., Kestel F., Maier R., Mälicke M., Morhart C., Ndlovu N.P., Veste M., Funk R., Lang F., Seifert T., du Toit B., Kahle H.-P. (2020) Agroforestry: An Appropriate and Sustainable Response to a Changing Climate in Southern Africa? Sustainability 12, 6796,

Sheppard, JP., Chamberlain, J., Agúndez, D., Bhattacharya, P., Chirwa, PW., Gontcharov, A., Sagona, WCJ., Shen, H., Tadesse, W., Mutke, S., 2020. Sustainable Forest Management Beyond the Timber-Oriented Status Quo: Transitioning to Co-production of Timber and Non-wood Forest Products—a Global Perspective. Current Forestry Reports 5, 161.

Sprengel, L., Cheng, Z., Hipler, S.-M., Wu, S., Spiecker, H., 2020.Mean Annual Wood Density Variations of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.), Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., and Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. at Two Different Stem Heights. Forests 11, Heft 4 (2020), S.394. DOI: 10.3390/f11040394

Tegel, W., Seim, A., Skiadaresis, G., Charpentier Ljungqvist, F., Kahle, H-P., Land, A., Muigg, B., Nicolussi, K., Büntgen, U. (2020) Higher groundwater levels in western Europe characterize warm periods in the Common Era. Scientific Reports 10, 16284 (2020).

Vacik, H., Hale. M., Spiecker, H., Pettenella, D., Tomé, M. (Eds) 2020: Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe. Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products. Outcomes of the COST Action FP120J on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt, 416p.

Veste, M., Littmann, T., Kunneke, A., Du Toit, B., Seifert, T., 2020. Windbreaks as part of climate-smart landscapes reduce evapotranspiration in vineyards, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Plant, Soil and Environment, 66: 119-127.

Vostrovská, I., Petřík, J., Petr, L., Kočár, P., Kočárová, R., Hradílek, Z., Kašák, J., Sůvová, Z., Adameková, K., Vaněček, Z., Peška, J., Muigg, B., Rybníček, M., Kolář, T., Tegel, W., Kalábek, M., Kalábková, P. (2020). Wooden Well at the First Farmers’ Settlement Area in Uničov, Czech Republic. Památky archeologické CXI (111), 2020, 61-111.