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Publikationen 2018

Büntgen, U., Wacker, L., Galvan, D., Arnold, S., Arseneault, D., Baillie, M., Beer, J., Bernabei, M., Bleicher, N., Boswijk, G., Bräuning, A., Carrer, M., Ljungqvist, F.C., Cherubini, P., Christl, M., Christie, D., Clark, P., Cook, E., D'Arrigo, R., Davi, N., Eggertsson, O., Esper, J., Fowler, A., Gedalof, Z., Gennaretti, F., Griessinger, J., Grissino-Mayer, H., Grudd, H., Gunnarson, B., Hantemirov, R., Herzig, F., Hessl, A., Heussner, K.-U., Jull, T., Kukarskih, V., Kirdyanov, A., Kolar, T., Krusic, P.J., Kyncl, T., Lara, A., LeQuesne, C., Linderholm, H.W., Loader, N., Luckman, B., Miyake, F., Myglan, V., Nicolussi, K., Oppenheimer, C., Palmer, J., Panyushkina, I., Pederson, N., Rybnicek, M., Schweingruber, F., Seim, A., Sigl, M., Churakova (Sidorova), O., Speer, J., Synal, H.-A., Tegel, W., Treydte, K., Villalba, R., Wiles, G., Wilson, R., Winship, L., Wunder, J., Yang, B., Young, G. (2018) Tree rings reveal globally coherent signature of cosmogenic radiocarbon events in 774 and 993 CE. Nature Communications. 9(1): 3605, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06036-0

Chiocchini F., Ciolfi M., Sarti M., Lauteri M., Cherubini M., Leonardi L., Nahm M., Morhart C., Paris P. (2018): Inventory of tree hedgerows in an Italian agroforestry landscape by remote sensing and GIS-based methods. In: Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use - Proceedings of the 4th European Agroforestry Conference;Ferreiro-Domínguez, N., Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Eds., Nijmegen, Netherlands, 217–221.

Facciotto G., Bury M., Chiocchini F., Cumplido-Marin L., Czyz H., Graves A.R., Kitczak T., Martens R., Morhart C., Paris P., Nahm M. (2018): Performance of Sida hermaphrodita and Silphium perfoliatum in Europe: Preliminary results. In: Papers of the 26th European Biomass Conference, Setting the course for a biobased economy; Persson, M., Scarlat, N., Grassi, A., Helm, P., Eds., Copenhagen, Denmark,350–352.

Fuentes, M.; Aravena, J.C.; Seim, A.; Linderholm, H.W. (2018) Assessing the dendroclimatic potential of Nothofagus betuloides (Magellan’s beech) forests in the southernmost Chilean Patagonia. Trees:

Isaac-Renton, M., Montwé, D., Hamann, A., Spiecker, H.,, Cherubini, P., Treydte, K. (2018) Northern forest tree populations are physiologically maladapted to drought. Nature Communications, 9:5254.

Kahle, H.P. (2018): Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Ertrag in der forstlichen Produktion. In: J. Klädtke und U. Kohnle (Hg.): Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten. Sektion Ertragskunde. Jahrestagung 14.–16. 05. 2018, Vígľaš/Slowakei, S. 116–120. pdf

Laurelut, C.; Tegel, W., Vanmoerkerke, J., 2018. Entre poteaux plantés et pan de bois : mise en évidence d’un modèle architectural transitionnel à la fin de l’âge du Fer. In : Anne Villard-Le Tiec, Yves Menez, Patrick Maguer, Collectif , Architectures de l’âge du Fer – Actes du 40e colloque international de l'AFEAF.) Presse Universitaire, 2018

Leroux, G., Collas, R., Brenot, J., Desfonds, A., Tegel, W., 2018. Les ponts laténiens de Pont-sur-Seine (Aube) et de Visseiche (Ille-et-Vilaine) : construction, datation, aspects socio-économiques. In : Anne Villard-Le Tiec, Yves Menez, Patrick Maguer, Collectif , Architectures de l’âge du Fer – Actes du 40e colloque international de l'AFEAF.) Presse Universitaire, 2018

Ljungqist, F.C., Seim A., 2018. The spatiotemporal distribution of Late Viking Age Swedish runestones: A reflection of the Christianisation process and its speed. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21: 849–861

Ljungqvist, F.C., Tegel, W., Krusic, P.J., Seim, A., Gschwind, F.M., Haneca, K., Herzig, F., Heussner, K.-U., Hofmann, J., Houbrechts, D., Kontic, R., Kyncl, T., Leuschner, H.H., Nicolussi, K., Perrault, C., Pfeifer, K., Schmidhalter, M., Seifert, M., Walder, F., Westphal, T., Büntgen, U. (2018) Linking European building activity with plague history. Journal of Archaeological Science 98: 81–92

Mann, M., Kahle, H.-P., Beck, M., Bender, B.J., Spiecker, H., Backofen, R., 2018. MICA:Multiple interval-based curve alignment. SoftwareX 7,2018, p.53-58,

Montwé, D., Isaac-Renton, M., Hamann, A.,Spiecker, H., 2018.Cold adaptation recorded in tree rings highlights risks associated with climate change and assisted migration.Nature Communications (2018) 9:1574. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04039-5

Morhart C., Nahm M. (2018): Streuobstwiesen: Der Klassiker unter den Agroforstsystemen. 6. Forum Agroforstsysteme, 9.-10.10.2018, Göttingen, Germany.

Morhart C., Rosskopf E., Nahm M. (2018): Modelling shadow in agroforestry systems based on 3D data. In: Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use - Proceedings of the 4th European Agroforestry Conference; Ferreiro-Domínguez, N., Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Eds., Nijmegen, Netherlands, 433–436.

Morhart C., Rosskopf E., Nahm M. (2018): Modellierung des Schattenwurfes von Bäumen in Agroforstsystemen. 6. Forum Agroforstsysteme, 9.-10.10.2018, Göttingen, Germany.

Muigg, B., Tegel, W., Rohmer, P., Schmidt, U.E., Büntgen, U., 2018. Dendroarchaeological evidence of early medieval water mill technology. Journal of Archaeological Science 93, 2018. p.17–25

Nahm M., Bury M., Chiocchini F., Cumplido Marín L., Facciotto G., Graves A., Kitczak T., Martens R., Morhart C., Paris P., Kahle H-P. (2018): Novel pathways of biomass production: Assessing the potential of Sida hermaphrodita and valuable timber trees. Erste Ertragsergebnisse. 6. Forum Agroforstsysteme, 9.-10.10.2018, Göttingen, Germany.

Nahm M., Bury M., Facciotto G., Graves A., Kahle H-P., Morhart C., Paris P., Martens R. (2018): Short Management Guide: Sida hermaphrodita. Anbauleitfaden; erhältlich in englischer, deutscher, italienischer und polnischer Sprache.

Nahm, M., Morhart, C., 2018. Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby) as perennial multipurpose crop: biomass yields, energetic valorization, utilization potentials, and management perspectives. GCB Bioenergy, 10, 393–404; doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12501

Paris P., Augusti, A., Burgess P.J., Bury M., Chiocchini F., Cumplido-Marin L., Facciotto G., Chiarabaglio P.M., Graves A.R., Lauteri M., Leonardi L., Martens R., Morhart C., Rossi A. E., Tarchi M., Nahm M. (2018): SidaTim: Assessing the potential of new biomass crops and valuable timber trees in agroforestry systems. In: Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use - Proceedings of the 4th European Agroforestry Conference; Ferreiro-Domínguez, N., Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Eds., Nijmegen, Netherlands, 346–349.

Reinig, F., Verstege, A., Nievergelt, D., Friedrich, M., Morganti, S., Tegel, W., Buentgen, U., Esper, J., Helle, G., Pauly, M., Hellmann, L., Sookdeo, A., Treydte, K., Wacker, L., Kromer, B., 2018. New tree-ring evidence for the Late Glacial period from the northern pre-Alps in eastern Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews 186:215–224. DOI10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.02.019

Rybníček, M., Chlup, T., Kalábek, M., Kalábková, P., Kočár, P., Kyncl, T., Muigg, B., Tegel, W., Vostrovská, I., Kolář, T., 2018. New dendroarchaeological evidence of water well constructions reveals advanced Early Neolithic craftsman skills. Dendrochronologia 50 (2018) 98–104

Seim, A., Schultz, J.A., Beck, C., Bräuning, A., Krusic, P., Leland, C., Byambasuren, O., Liang, E., Wang, X., Jeong, J.-H., Linderholm, H.W., 2018. Evaluation of tree growth relevant atmospheric circulation patterns for geopotential height field reconstructions for Asia. Journal of Climate 31(11): 4391–4401

Sheppard J.P., Morhart C., Borass L., Kleinschmit D., Lang F., Maelicke M., Hassler SK., Funk R., Veste M., Seifert T., du Toit B., Chirwa P., Carr S., Syampungani S., Nyoka B.I., Helmschrot J., Kahle H-P. (2018): Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP). in: Vogel, C., Rautenbach, H. (Eds.), 4th National Global Change Conference. Sustainable futures through science and innovation, 3rd – 6th December 2018, Polokwane, South Africa. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13072.46085/1

Sprengel, L., Stangler, D.F., Sheppard, J., Morhart, C., Spiecker, H., 2018.Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Stem Height and Artificial Pruning on Seasonal Radial Growth Dynamics of Wild Cherry (Prunus avium L.) and Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in a Widely Spaced System.Forests 2018, 9(4), 174; doi:10.3390/f9040174

Tegel W., 2018. Exploitation du milieu : l’étude dendrochronologique. In book : E. Peytremann (dir.) avec les contributions de M. Châtelet, A. Latron Colecchia, G. Jouanin, M. Leroy, P. Merluzzo, N. Schneider-Schwien, H. Réveillas, W. Tegel, J. Wiethold, J.-H. Yvinec. En marge du village. La zone d'activités spécifiques et les groupes funéraires de Sermersheim (Bas-Rhin), du VIe au XIIe siècle, Revue archéologique de l'Est (suppl. RAE 45) 272–277.

Wagner, S., Lagane, F., Seguin-Orlando, A., Schubert, M., Leroy, T., Guichoux, E., Chancerel, E., Bech-Hebelstrup, I., Bernard, V., Billard, C., Billaud, Y., Bolliger, M., Croutsch, C., Čufar, K., Eynaud, F., Heussner, K.U., Köninger, J., Langenegger, F., Leroy, F., Lima, C., Martinelli, N., Momber, G., Billamboz, A., Nelle, O., Palomo, A., Piqué, R., Ramstein, M., Schweichel, R., Stäuble, H., Tegel, W., Terradas, X., Verdin, F., Plomion, C., Kremer, A., Orlando, L. 2018. High-Throughput DNA sequencing of ancient wood. Mol Ecol. 2018 Feb 7. doi : 10.1111/mec.14514

Yue, C.; Kahle, H.P.; Klädtke, J.; Kohnle, U. (2018): Ein umweltsensitives Bonitätsmodell zur Prognose des Produktivitätspotentials unter Klimawandel am Beispiel der Fichte. In: J. Klädtke und U. Kohnle (Hg.): Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten. Sektion Ertragskunde. Jahrestagung 14.–16. 05. 2018, Vígľaš/Slowakei, S. 81–86. pdf