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Publikationen 2012

Bender, B. J., Mann, M., Backofen, R., Spiecker, H., 2012. Microstructure alignment of wood density profiles: an approach to equalize radial differences in growth rate. Trees 26 (4): 1267­1274.

Boden, S., Schinker, M., Duncker, Ph., Spiecker, H., 2012. Resolutionabilities and measuring depth of High-Frequency densitometry on wood samples. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Waldwachstum, Germany, Volume 45, Issue 7, August 2012, Pages 1913­-1921. hier Weitere Info

Büntgen, U., Egli, S., Tegel, W., Stobbe, U., Sproll, L., Elburg, R., Peter,
M., Nievergelt, D., Cherubini, P., Stenseth, N. C., 2012. Illuminating the
mysterious world of truffles. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10:

Büntgen, U., Ginzler, C., Esper, J., Tegel, W., McMichael, A. J., 2012. Digitizing historical plague. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012;

Büntgen, U., Egli, S., Camarero, J.J., Fischer, E.M., Stobbe, U., Kauserud, H., Tegel, W., Sproll, L., Stenseth, N.C. (2012) Drought-induced Périgord black truffle decline. Nature Climate Change 2: 827-829. hier

Büntgen, U., Tegel, W., Heussner, K.-U., Hofmann, J., Kontic, R., Kyncl, T., Cook, E.R., 2012. Effects of sample size in dendroclimatology. Climate Research 53: 263–269. DOI: 10.3354/cr01107

Duncker, P., Barreiro, S.M., Hengeveld, G.M., Lind, T., Mason, W.L., Ambrozy, S., Spiecker, H., 2012. Classification of forest management approaches: a new conceptual framework and its applicability to European forestry. Ecology and Society 17(4): 51.  DOI: 10.5751/ES-05262-170451

Duncker, P., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Gundersen, P., Katzensteiner, K., De Jong, J., Ravn, H., Smith, M., Eckmüllner, O., Spiecker, H., 2012. How Forest Management affects Ecosystem Services, including Timber Production and Economic Return: Synergies and Trade-Offs. Ecology and Society 17 (4): 50. URL:

Höfer, H. Bihn, J. Borges, C. Britez, R.M. Brandl, R. Fabry, R. Jetzkowitz, J. Kahle, H.P. Marques, R. Ottermanns, R. Paulsch, D. Römbke, J. Roß-Nickoll, M. Verhaagh, M. 2012. InBioVeritas - Valuating nature in the southern Mata Atlântica of Brazil. In: Procedia Environmental Sciences 2012 (9), S. 64–71. hier

Jactel, H., Branco, M., Duncker, P., Gardiner, B., Grodzki, W., Langstrom, B., Moreira, F., Netherer, S., Nicoll, B., Orazio, C., Piou, D., Schelhaas, M., Tojic, K. 2012.  A multicriteria risk analysis to evaluate impacts of forest management alternatives on forest health in Europe. Ecology and Society 17(4): 52.

Kahle, H.P., 2012. Signifikanz dynamischer Interaktionen zwischen dem jährlichen Radial- und Höhenzuwachs und jährlichen Nadelspiegelwerten von Kiefern unter dem Einfluss von Klima und Witterung. Bericht Sektion Ertragskunde im DVFF: 53-62. hier

Kolář, T., Rybníček, M., Tegel, W., 2012. Dendrochronological evidence of cockchafer (Melolontha sp.) outbreaks in subfossil tree-trunks from Tovačov (CZ Moravia). Dendrochronologia.

Krumm, F., Kulakowski, D., Risch, AC., Spiecker H., Brändli, U-B., Bebi, P. 2012. Stem exclusion and mortality in unmanaged subalpine forests of the Swiss Alps. Eur. J. Forest Res 131: 1571-1583.

McCormick, M., Büntgen, U., Cane, M.A., Cook, E.R., Harper, K., Huybers, P., Litt, T., Manning, S. W., Mayewski, P. A., More, A.F.M., Nicolussi, K., Tegel, W., 2012. Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: Reconstructing the Past from Scientific and Historical Evidence. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLIII:2 (Autumn, 2012), 169-220.

Morhart, C., Oelke, M., Springmann, S., Spiecker, H., Konold, W. 2012.
Wertholzproduktion in Agroforstsystemen - Chancen für Bewirtschafter und Umwelt. Archiv f. Forstwesen u. Landsch.ökol. 46 (4): 179-185

Olivar, J., Bogino, S., Spiecker, H., Bravo, F. 2012. Climate impact on growth dynamic and intra-annual density fluctuations in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees of different crown classes. Dendrochronologia, 30 (1): 35-­47.

Seim, A., Buentgen, U., Fonti. P., Haska, H., Herzig, F., Tegel, W., Trouet, V., Treydte, K., 2012. Climate sensitivity of a millennium-long pine chronology from Albania. Climate Research 51: 217-228.

Spiecker, H., Makeschin, F., Becker, G., Storch, J., Morhart, C., Dörr, A., Wolff, M., Engler, B., Stangler, D., Schütt, C., 2012. ValWood – Innovative nachhaltige Landnutzung: Ein neues Konzept zur Verbesserung der Umweltbedingungen mit einer kombinierten Produktion von Wertholz, Bambus und Holzbiomasse. Abschlussbericht zum BMBF-Verbundprojekt Valwood (FKZ: 0330802). Eigenverlag des Instituts für Waldwachstum, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Freiburg i. Br.: 171 S.

Stobbe, U., Büntgen, U., Sproll, L., Tegel, W. , Egli, S., Fink, S., 2012. Spatial distribution and ecological variation of re-discovered German truffle habitats. Fungal Ecology. hier

Tegel, W., Elburg, R., Hakelberg, D., Stäuble, H., Büntgen, U., 2012. Early Neolithic Water Wells Reveal the World's Oldest Wood Architecture. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51374. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0051374

van der Maaten, E., 2012 Climate sensitivity of radial growth in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at different aspects in southwestern Germany. Trees - Structure and Function 26(3): 777-788.

van der Maaten, E., van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Spiecker, H., 2012. Temporally resolved intra-annual wood density variations in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) as affected by climate and aspect. Annals of Forest Research 55(1): 113-124.

van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., 2012. Climate response of radial growth of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in the Black Forest, Germany. In: Gärtner H, Rozenberg P, Montès P, Bertel O, Heinrich I, Helle G (eds.), 2012: TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, Vol. 10. GFZ Potsdam, Scientific Technical Report STR12/03, Potsdam, p. 28-40.

van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Bouriaud, O., 2012. Climate-growth relationships at different stem heights in silver fir and Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42(5): 958-969

Yue, C., Kohnle, U., Kahle, H.P., Klädtke, J., 2012. Exploiting irregular measurement intervals for the analysis of growth trends of stand basal area increments: A composite model approach. Forest Ecology and Management 263: 216-228. pdf. hier